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Maintains the airways

No prohibited substance was used during the manufacture of the product and that the tracking of the presence of possible doping contaminants was carried out by the Laboratory of the Horse-races (LCH).

PULMOCHRON is a complementary feedingstuff formulated as an aid to relieve minor breathing problem. PULMOCHRON is formulated with natural and aromatic plant extracts.

Feeding guide :

Feed 50 ml of PULMOCHRON per day, orally or mixed with the ration

Composition :

Aromatic plants extracts, xanthan gum, apple flavour, preservatives.

Analysis components with the liter

Moisture 97,3 %
Crude protein 1,8 %
Crude ash 1,4 %
Crude fibre 0,1 %

Presentation :

500 ml Dosing bottle
1 L Dosing bottle

Precautions for use :

Formulated for horses
Shake well before use - Close well after use - Store in a cool dry place